Field Judging Black Bears
Field judging black bears is notoriously difficult, and they may be one of the toughest species to assess accurately. Not only can it be hard to distinguish a large bear from a smaller one, but sows (female bears) and boars (male bears) also look very similar—and sows can grow quite large!
If you’ve ever found yourself in a high-stakes situation where quick decisions were necessary, you understand the pressure of selecting the right black bear at a hunting site. However, with some pre-hunt preparation and a few tips, you can minimize the common issue of “ground shrinkage” when judging your bear.
- Hunt in Areas Known for Big Boars
Big bears tend to be very specific about their habitats. If you’re not hunting in areas that consistently produce large boars, your chances of encountering a mature bear are slim. These impressive, older boars are often elusive, and they defend prime territories vigorously.
- Learn to Distinguish Between Sows and Boars
The first step to effectively judging black bears is determining whether it’s a sow or a boar. While it can be straightforward to identify a mature boar, distinguishing between a large, experienced sow and a big boar can be challenging. Young boars, especially before they reach adult weights around 7-9 years old, can look very similar to sows.
Hunting with an outfitter that targets large, age-class boars and discourages shooting sows can significantly improve your odds. This management strategy is crucial because sows are vital to the bear population and serve as prime bait for attracting boars.
Key Indicators:
– If a bear is accompanied by cubs, it is definitely a sow.
– In situations where you see a larger bear with noticeably smaller and dependent bears, that larger bear is guaranteed to be a sow. However, many sows will leave their young hidden away to protect them before visiting a bait site, as mature boars will kill cubs to bring a sow into estrus.
- Observe Physical Characteristics
– Nipples: On nursing sows with young, the cubs may pull out hair around the nipples, making them visible even from a distance. A good outfitter can set up bait sites that provide optimal viewing angles to help identify this trait.
– Head Shape: Female black bears typically have broader heads with narrower muzzles. Their faces are slimmer and more pointed compared to males. A mature boar, on the other hand, will have a wide head and a thicker neck. Mature boars often display a distinct center line crease down the forehead and have smaller ears positioned farther to the sides of the head.
- Body Size and Movement
When judging size, look at the length of the legs, chest size, and the proportion of the head to the body. If the bear’s head and ears appear small in comparison to its body, it’s likely a large bear. Boars tend to have thick, muscular legs that appear equally robust above and below the knee, while sows typically have V-shaped legs.
Mature boars often exhibit low, blocky profiles with a broad chest and heavy front legs. They may have shorter, evenly tipped hair, while younger bears usually have shaggy coats. Keep an eye out for bears that are exceptionally wide across the brisket.
Recognizing these traits will enhance your ability to judge bears in the field effectively. Remember that big boars can sometimes resemble older, large sows, so relying on a combination of observation techniques is crucial.