Montana Wolf Hunt

Species: Gray Wolf
Location: Montana
Methods: Rifle
Dates: January-March
Montana wolf hunting is unlike any other adventure. There is nothing more emblematic of true wilderness than the gray wolf. The howl alone stirs the soul and conjures feelings of a time when wilderness reined. The sight of a wolf brings up something ancient inside us, an understanding of superior power. Since Montana opened the wolf hunt to sportsmen, we have been studying, tracking, and interacting with these remarkable animals, and loving every minute of it. To say they are an awesome creature is an understatement. Make no mistake, wolves are among the most difficult quarry to hunt in the lower 48. That knowledge keeps us sharp, keeps us wanting to learn more, and keeps the trophy a wolf at a unique pinnacle.
Wolves are gregarious animals, and they respond quite well to calling. On a typical wolf hunt we’ll cover ground and howl often in hopes of locating a pack or a solo animal. Once we locate animals, we’ll set up for a shot, continue howling, and hope to engage the animal’s native curiosity. Optimally, a wolf will come to investigate when they believe there’s a stranger in their territory. When howling doesn’t elicit a response, we employ predator calls. Wolves rarely pass up an easy meal, and if they hear what they believe is a distressed deer, they will come close to investigate.
7 nights lodging/ 6 days hunting
$7,075 1×1
$6,075 2×1
Cost includes:
Guiding, lodging, lunches, field prep of animals, transportation during the hunt.
Cost excludes:
Transportation to hunt and back, license and tags, Montana accommodations tax, meat processing, taxidermy, gratuities.