Going deep in the back country, in September, chasing bugling bulls is one of the most fun hunts anyone can do. There is nothing like being in the mountains in the fall, watching the leaves change colors, experiencing the cooler mornings and hearing the elk during the peak of the rut.
When packing in for a few days, it does take some planning and preparation. This is not something you can just last minute. The last thing you want to do is get back in 4+ miles with all of your gear, and then realize you forgot something. It might be something small that isn’t that big of a deal, but it might be something that could be dangerous to be without.
I have been lucky enough to do many DIY back country archery elk hunts and now have a pretty good system in place and know the gear that I need and what works for me. Below is a simple layout of what I take. Keep in mind, different areas might require different things. This is just what works for me in the mountains I hunt, but it’s a pretty good starting point
- Lightweight back packing tent. A 3 season tent works just fine
- Sleeping bag. Down to zero is plenty where we hunt.
- Sleeping pad
- Back packing pillow
Here you want to take food that is lightweight, but higher in calories and fat. This will keep your energy up as you will be more than likely walking a lot of miles in tough terrain. We put all our food for each day in a zip lock bag. Here is what we have in a standard bag.
- 2 oatmeal packets or protein bar
- Coffee single
- Tuna pack
- Mountain House or similar freeze dried food
- Jerky
- Trail mix
- Peanut butter crackers or protein bar.
- Plastic bowl and silverware.
This combination will get me through the day with enough calories to keep me going. I might substitute some things from day to day, but this is basically what I take as none of it will go bad in a week in the mountains. I carry a Nalgene bottle with water for cooking. I also pack in a very light weight plastic coffee cup for coffee each morning.
- Bow
- Quiver with 5-6 arrows, tipped with broad heads (we use Magnus).
- Release (extra in backpack)
- Couple judo points in backpack for shooting grouse, etc.
- Binoculars
- Rangefinder
- Calls
You can also take is some extra items, like a portable bow press, extra strings, etc. But we don’t, as we like to go in a light as we can.
- Jetboil, or something similar to boil water
- Water purification or water filtration system
- Knife and saw combination
- Rope
- Game bags
- Headlamp and/or small flashlight
- Lightweight sandals-this sounds funny, but it’s nice to be back at spike camp and wear these around camp.
- First aid kit-
- Ibuprofen
- Band Aids
- Super Glue (for big cuts)
- Allergy medication
- Pepto tablets
- Chapstick and sunscreen
- Hand warmers
- Flagging tape
- Scent free body wipes
- Waterproof matches and/or lighter
- Toilet Paper
- Solar phone/battery charger and charging cord.
You will want a good pair of boots for sure, some that are waterproof. I use the Kenetrek Mountain Extreme boots.
Good socks and a layering system so you can take off layers as the temperature rises during the day. Early season it gets warm, so I wear a moisture wicking t shirt or long sleeve shirt, with a small jacket over that.
I don’t take a lot of extra clothes in. Again, I like to go in light. I do take a few extra items in, usually in a zip lock bag, in case of rain.
Extra T-shirt or long sleeve shirt (check the weather forecast)
Extra pair of underwear and socks
Pair of long underwear (again, check the weather).
Stocking cap and gloves
So if you are thinking of going into the back country for 4+ days, I hope this will help and be a starting point for what you need. DIY back country hunts are some of the most fun, and fulfilling hunts you will ever do. Plan accordingly, take in what you need, and have the time of your life!